Tuesday, July 31, 2012

‘Iron Man 3′: Don Cheadle On War Machine & Iron Man

Don Cheadle had a few things to say at comic con this year about Iron Man 3.

“Everything is happening for War Machine. His suit goes through a couple of iterations and developments and gets kind of a makeover.”

“It’s getting more uncomfortable. I think there is an inverse logic to that but it seems to be happening.”

“I’m wearing some suits yes. I can’t give it all away but I have to put metal on.”

“He gets to branch out a little bit more in this movie but the main component of this character is his relationship with Tony. That gets a little bit more expansive in this one too. As Shane (Black) is fond of saying we have a private sector Iron Man with Tony and now we have a military Iron Man with War Machine, and I like the suit envy that they have with each other and the professional jealousy that goes back to friendship. We keep exploring that stuff and this movie is also kind of wall-to-wall action, so it definitely rivals the other two.”

“I think this film is a little bit grittier. The villains aren’t all wearing costumes. So you’re dealing with human beings and I think that always makes it a little more of a touchstone to reality than when the sky opens up and people come out of it with swords. That’s great too, but this is just a little bit different.”

“I think it’s that man at the center of it, Robert Downey Jr., he’s obviously a really strong actor and when you bring that into a franchise like this I think it gives a level of veracity and a level of groundedness so it doesn’t feel like some flighty ephemeral thing. It’s like ‘oh, that’s a real person inside of there and a person with real issues.’ I think that contrast when you see that guy flying around and blowing things up, it makes it more grounded.”

How the new bat plane works....or doesn't

In my search for comic book news i came across a fun article about the "The Bat" and how it works...or doesn't.

Why Dark Knight's Flying 'Bat' Wouldn't Fly

By Jeremy Hsu, InnovationNewsDaily Senior Writer | LiveScience.com

When the Dark Knight rises to defend Gotham once more, he literally takes to the skies in a flying vehicle known simply as the Bat. The new nonlethal weapon in Batman's arsenal can hover like a helicopter and pull off aerial maneuvers worthy of "Top Gun" fighter jets — a combination that may seem almost too good to be true.

That amazing spectacle should come as no surprise in a Hollywood film about a billionaire superhero with access to top-secret military technology. But making the Bat fly in today's reality would prove a lot trickier, said Mitchell Burnside Clapp, a program manager for the U.S. military's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).

"The problem with a vehicle like the Bat is that it's going to have to generate enough thrust to hold itself off the ground," Burnside Clapp said. "The main thrust appears to come from the belly rotor while the other devices seem to be applied more to maneuvering."

Burnside Clapp looks to the future of aircraft technology as manager for DARPA's Disc-Rotor Compound Helicopter program. He previously served as an Air Force Reserve instructor at the U.S. Air Force Test Pilot School and worked at several private aerospace companies. In this case, he has also seen "The Dark Knight Rises" (Warning: plot spoilers ahead; no character spoilers).

Making the Bat fly

Downward thrust from the Bat's belly rotor must at least equal the weight of the Bat to achieve the hover effect, Burnside Clapp explained. Helicopters create such lift by having long rotor blades extending well beyond the main aircraft body — the blade sections close to the main rotor hub do not create much lift because they don't move very fast relative to the air.

But helicopter lift also depends on accelerating air downward through their spinning rotor blades. That becomes a problem if the rotor sits underneath an aircraft such as the Bat (although Lucius Fox, Batman's gadgets master in the Christopher Nolan film trilogy, mutters something about solving air recirculation issues in the Bat's design).

Putting the main rotor beneath the Bat also leads to some stability problems — "think of the problem of balancing a broomstick on your palm" to get an idea, Burnside Clapp told InnovationNewsDaily. By comparison, rotors act as a restoring force for stability when they sit on top of helicopters. [V-22 Osprey: Controversial Dream Machine]

Assuming the Bat weighs about as much as modern helicopters, the Bat's rotor would still need to have "enough air to push a several thousand pound vehicle upwards," Burnside Clapp said. Such force would easily knock a standing person down, which would have changed certain "Dark Knight Rises" scenes in a fairly dramatic fashion.

Leaping the technology gap

Still, some technologies could make hovering vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) aircraft work in the confined urban canyons of Batman's Gotham City. Shrouded rotors distributed around the Bat vehicle could prevent the downwash from flattening everyone around it, Burnside Clapp said.

Enough power can make almost anything fly (maybe even a prohibitively expensive flying aircraft carrier). Helicopters represent a power-efficient way of providing lift, followed by the less efficient "vectored thrust" aircraft such as the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.

By comparison, the Bat's unusual design would lead to huge power demands — but perhaps not unsolvable demands, according to the technological leaps of fancy in "The Dark Knight Rises."

"The Bat, in the film, would need an unbelievable amount of power," Burnside Clapp said. "Now if you had a fusion reactor big enough to power a city that was small enough that you could carry it around in a medium truck, then …"
Hi Everyone! Check out my new fan site at http://www.comicbookmovie.com/fansites/TheDon. This is the site I am starting to write comic book movie news.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Colorado shooter and The Joker

Today we got our first good look at the Coloradoq theater shooter. The most common thing I heard people say was "wow he looks crazy."Still, everyone seems to continue to connect The Dark Knight Rises movie to the reason that he committed murder. I myself have known people alittle unstable, and I see they are people looking for a reason. They are begging for justification for there own wants and actions. I see no fault to the movie or reason to boycott it. It is a amazing movie and I urge all comic book movie fan or not to give to movie a chance.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Colorado witness quote

"I thought it was a joke or part of the show," survivor Jennifer Seeger told TODAY. "He came in and threw in the gas can, and then I knew it was real."  It's scary to think we can feel safe in a public place and have one man with gun change that. I winessed a shooting at my high school and it as never left my thoughts. Sadly, the people that lived through that horrible event will carry that fear with them forever.

Dark knight Rises estimated sales

Looks like The Dark Knight Rises will fall short of its estimated sales of 173 million. As of Sunday night it looks as if It will reach 162 million. Partly due to the tragic shooting at a screening and Colorado killing 12 and wounding over 50 people. Many comic book movie fans that are DC/Batman lovers were hoping it would bet the 207 million that the Avengers brought in. Sadly it will fall short, but still has impressive profits and will continue to earn.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises, and where it started

Anyone excited for the new Batman movie should consider the comics that inspired it. One that did is Batman:Knightfall, a storyline that involves a epic battle between Bane and Batman that cripples our hero. In the movie and the comics, Bane is the biggest physical threat the Batman. Knightfall is the best example of Bane's physical and mental strength.It's a perfect way to get to know our new onscreen villain.  I find myself wanting more after enjoy a comic book movie. Referring back to the comics that the movies are inspired by can fill that wanting. 

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Yea It's A Blog: Yep, Its official, I will be turning my love of co...

Yea It's A Blog: Yep, Its official, I will be turning my love of co...: Yep, Its official, I will be turning my love of comics into a blog. So a guy that sucks at grammar and can't spell is blogging? Yes, I'm blo...

Monday, July 16, 2012

Yep, Its official, I will be turning my love of comics into a blog. So a guy that sucks at grammar and can't spell is blogging? Yes, I'm blogging, I may even have some words of wisdom mixed in there. This should be interesting.......